NO More Excuses

Hi All... 

Excuses hold us back, extinguish our fire, steal our energy and thwart our personal power. We become victims and life feels like an endless loop of discouragement. We are called to  lean into our truth regardless of how uncomfortable and unpopular it is. Forfeiting personal power cuts us off from the wealth of Universal Energy available to ALL people. Our circumstances should not dictate our success, they should light the fire of personal responsibility, which opens doors and/or provides us tools to build new doors, which broaden our path to fulfillment. 

Success is calibrated not by financial wealth but by spiritual, emotional wealth and the measure of joy we cultivate along the way. Rising above and going beyond those who came before us or maybe farther than we thought we could go IS SUCCESS.  Every day. we have the opportunity to start again taking the next step necessary with a tool box full of experience and collected wisdom. 

This is our only journey in this body at this time in history to do and be the best version of self. If we allow excuses to drive us then we relinquish our power to rise above the impossible... The word Impossible has 2 words within it  I'M- POSSIBLE....  We all are.... 

The decision is ultimately ours to live in Pity or Power... what will it be? We can only be in one. 

Life is a journey, not a destination. 

Feel free to post your questions and comments, or contact me at the following locations :

my website:  
FB :             Mas Yoga or Mary Ann Davie Smeraldi
email:          MasYoga108@   

I look forward to hearing from you.   Remember we are all on this journey growing and learning as we go, so your input will bring enlightenment to many. Please share ! 

In Power, Peace & Love, 
Mary Ann

Make Today Great....... 


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