Cultivate Feeling Good

Catching our thoughts and redirecting our attention is the beginning stage of changing personal reality. As we decide to think on purpose and allow the details of our thoughts to focus on our dreams and desires rather than current reality we begin to fire new Neural Patterns.  ( Just like learning to play an instrument, speak a new language or ride a bicycle, we condition the brain to learn new behaviors which form the neural pathways that support them ) If repeated time after time new Neural-Pathways are established in response to the thought patterning.  In turn these pathways create feelings which connect us to a desired experience even before physical manifestation.  

Over time we begin to feel and experience the excitement of our desire. As the energy of excitement and focused thought dominate, the Universe responds.We are directed and inspire to be in the right place at the right time, to meet the perfect person or have unexplainable serendipitous rendezvous of all kinds. Some call them coincidences, I call them fate. These inspired steps begin the shift that creates the habits and patterns  supporting our desired future. 

Herein lies the inner journey which will bring change to our outer journey. 

Begin with one thought that makes you feel bad, and as you catch your thought replace it with a new and better feeling thought. Once you do this many times with the same thought the old thought is replaced permanently and a new habit of thought is established and etched into the brain and thinking pattern.  Eventually we become the person we think we choose to be from our fresh and new perspective. One thought at a time, one moment at a time, one hour at a time, one day at a time... 

Thoughts are just things we think... We have the power to think on PURPOSE when we live in our Power and focus on the Now !!! 

Life is a journey, not a destination. Make it a great one ! 

Feel free to post your questions and comments, or contact me at the following locations :

FB :                 Mas Yoga or Mary Ann Davie Smeraldi
email:              MasYoga108@   

I look forward to hearing from you.   

Remember we are all on this journey growing and learning as we go, so your input will bring enlightenment to many. Please share ! 

In Power, Peace & Love, 
Mary Ann

Make Today Great....... 


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