Grow... You Were Planted

What could be better than embracing you? 
You are a specific version of you. You are a one and   only original !

When we connect to the essence of who we are,  digging deep into our root base drinking up that which is available to us by the force of Nature that created us, our ability to grow and spread our branches increases our life experience in a way that serves us and the greater good.  

When we understand and embrace our human roots, our lineage our families history,  opportunity arises to take ourselves to a new height of human existence.   

When we choose to let go of hurt, disappointment, unforgiveness, injustice, we turn over a new leaf, start a new chapter in the book of our life story. When we bend and release the rigidity of the need to be right over the desire to be kind we open doors and step out of the restrictions that hold us back from expansion.

When we embrace our unique nature we allow our gifts, talents and treasures to flow and direct us on the path to self-discovery. We unleash passions and purpose and we find our way to living a successful, joy-filled, happy life giving life to humanity and our planet in a profound way. A way  that only we can.

When we stop learning we rot, however if we remain open we are in a constant state of ripening.  It is our work to self educate, to open to new experiences, to explore, be creative and continuously expand who we were into who we are becoming...  One moment at a time, one day at a time.....

Embrace the Uniqueness of you... No one can do you ...

The decision is ultimately ours to live in Pity or Power... what will it be? We can only be in one. 

Life is a journey, not a destination. 

Feel free to post your questions and comments, or contact me at the following locations :

FB :                 Mas Yoga or Mary Ann Davie Smeraldi
email:              MasYoga108@   

I look forward to hearing from you.   Remember we are all on this journey growing and learning as we go, so your input will bring enlightenment to many. Please share ! 

In Power, Peace & Love, 
Mary Ann

Make Today Great....... 


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