

Authenticity is intricately connected to my ability to deeply enjoy life. When I live from this place life feels creative and satisfying. I feel content. In this space I find my voice, power and connection to Self. 

The authentic voice of the soul is a feeling deep inside speaking of love and passion. It’s the creative energy and  power that drives life. It's a fearless voice of compassion, forgiveness and sincerity. It is what we know in the depths of our hearts. We feel its presence when goosebumps thrill our cells with energy that cannot be explained.  It surpasses our cognitive understanding and speaks to us from a indescribable place of “home”. A knowing we trust regardless of what others say or think. In this place we identify truth, develop and cultivate it in  unique fashion.  

Life’s busy-ness  keeps us from time necessary to develop our ability to communicate with this inner knowing. Being swept up in flurries of daily activities prevents us from taking time to sit quietly and release all the doing  life demands.  A small window of time carved out each day is where our greatest power resides. In the presence of this silence we’re directed, empowered and guided. When we establish habits supportive of this mental-emotional-spiritual respite life changes into a landscape of curiosity and exploration.  In contrast when we look externally for feelings of peace, contentment or fulfillment their elusive nature frustrates us, the search continues and a vicious endless cycle of seeking outside ourselves for happiness is perpetuated. Alternatively when we develop relationship with this “voice”, personal expansion is cultivated and may possibly spill over into our relationships, eventually into society and the world at large. I believe that tossing a stone into still waters ripples outwardly effecting everything in its path. So we look forward to serving the greater good as we enjoy growth and a more delicious life. 

To facilitate such a connection to self is the cultivation of mindfulness through Meditation. It is an ancient practice that spans continents, time, religion and cultures across the globe. In some circles, Mantra using beads and reciting prayers in specific ways is the tradition while in other cultures it is the recital of the names of God for extended periods of time. In Christian circles Scripture is read, pondered, prayed and contemplated on, known as Centering, while Buddhists cultures sat concentrating on various aspects including tranquility, equanimity and  insight for example.   Each tradition has a devotional aspect to it underpinned by a desire to look deep within. After years of study scientists have yet  to identify the exact mechanism at work in meditation yet it is widely used as a vehicle of self discovery. Dhyhana, the 7th limb of Yoga as stated by Patanjali is the practice of mindful focus with intention of knowing truth. It requires patience and discipline and is as rewarding as it is difficult. 

There is no perfection in our pursuit of a meditation practice. We can only be willing participants and set aside a slice of our day to sit in quiet reflection. We may discover that we are acquainted with universal truths and sought after peace, or we may find  space that simply refreshes our mind. Maybe we develop deeper gratitude as a byproduct of meditation, or find improved  health, vitality, clarity, and stamina. Contemplation broadens  our understanding of self, life and others.  Just a few powerful moments invested as the observer of the thoughts, the witness of our lives and our beliefs is a direct way to establish personal power. It is the simplest of all disciplines because it is free, requiring no teacher or guide, but only a few moments a day, anywhere, sitting in physical stillness experiencing the breath. It is exclusive to no one. Through Meditation we essentially access inner freedom from the chaos that swirls in all directions. 

My connection to Meditation came through curiosity and desire for deeper more meaningful life. Feelings of discontent led me to seek an alternative way to live my experience and became the force behind my shift. In an honest prayer to discover a new place to live from, not knowing what that might look like I  avidly read books, articles, listened to motivational speakers, scientists and physiologists who study human behavior and life. They all  seem to share a single common thread of information; power lies in the  observance of inner truth and it can be tapped into through a practice of Meditation. In addition the human experience has the capacity to be transformed by quieting the mind and subduing the voice of the ego. Consequently there is some evidence that the body, it's neurological system, nervous system and blood pressure is influenced positively through meditation. So there are physical benefits to this practice in conjunction with the mental-emotional and spiritual aspects of it.  

I’ve practiced meditation for many years without the key ingredient of consistency. It has now been 8 months practicing daily Meditation at a specific time of day.  At first it was frustrating and arduous. It felt like a futile effort because my mind was jumping from one place to another. It felt uncomfortable but I kept at it.  I was open to various techniques, trying each of them for a time.  I did Mantra meditation, as well as guided meditation, and now I simply listen to sound therapy music, or just sit in silence with my natural breath. Some days I switch back to mantra meditation if I feel particularly hyper in thought and occasionally I enjoy a guided meditation focused on a specific area of life I would like to shift. I’ve discovered that this is a personal journey which is nurtured one meditation at a time, letting all distractions pass through me as water would slip trough my  fingers if I attempted to carry it without a vessel. It has deepened my Yoga practice and allowed me to feel more confident in all my endeavors. 

There is no way to accurately describe the shift in my emotional state and the lift of burdens that meditation provides me. I am inspired in a new way and feel like life directs me more clearly. I am forever changed by this sacred practice. Feeling on edge, anxious and worried have subsided drastically and I find it easier to be patient with myself and others. My life is more of an adventure than a vicious cycle, each day finding gifts in my activities regardless of life’s repetitive nature. I seek some new facet to observe, something that I choose to experience with gratitude. I feel more comfortable in my skin and feelings of worthiness and self love are easier to imbibe. Calmness has become more my normal emotional state and nervousness feels foreign and uncomfortable now.  Admittedly other parts of me have died off as a consequence of meditation. I no longer feel pressured to manage my life, control circumstances, over achieve or people please.  It’s easier to enjoy life because I no longer compare my experience to any thing or anyone. Inexplicable weight has been lifted,  freeing me to live in a peaceful more joyous place. Regret, unforgiveness, frustration are mostly a thing of my past. It feels like I have the perfect amount of time to accomplish my tasks in spite of new responsibilities I've recently taken on. There is some magical essence to Meditation that I'm unable to articulate, however I am enjoying each and every benefit I receive. 

For years I lived in emotional angst and self inflicted abuse, all to be healed by sitting in quiet willing to observe my thoughts, patterns and habits from a loving compassionate point of view. In choosing to release judgement of myself   negative energy has dissolved and I feel free. I know that this is a work in progress and I will need to constantly practice for highest results. But who is worth the effort more than me, for only I can live my life and it is up to me whether I live it happily or not.

Remember, all we need to know is hard wired and ready for access.  Meditation opens us to it through quieting the chatter which shadows the connection to Divine conversation, inner truth and a happier life. You are worth the effort as well as the gifts awaiting you on the other side of Meditation. Bless you ..... 

The decision is ultimately ours to live in Pity or Power... what will it be? We can only be in one. 

Life is a journey, not a destination. 

Feel free to post your questions and comments, or contact me at the following locations :

my website:  
FB :             Mas Yoga or Mary Ann Davie Smeraldi
email:          MasYoga108@   

I look forward to hearing from you.   Remember we are all on this journey growing and learning as we go, so your input will bring enlightenment to many. Please share ! 

In Power, Peace & Love, 
Mary Ann

Make Today Great....... 


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