Tell a New Story
Tell A New Story
How do we make peace with our uncomfortable memories?
Is it possible to find a new story in the midst of the one we have been telling our whole life?
I believe we can... I am sure we can.... I know we can because I am. I am telling my new story and creating for myself a place of power in the re-creation of it.
We can be Victims or Victors. The choice is ours. Always is !
Some parts of our past are heavy with regret, un-forgiveness, disappointment, guilt, unanswered questions and prayers. Maybe things didn't go as we'd have chosen or worked out the way we planned and we find ourselves frustrated with our Now... Know this... We possess the power to make the shift from pity to power and it can be done now by owning the way we think. Our power lies in our choices.
We can't be fully present if we are carrying the weight of our past. Know the past as a boundless resource of lessons and tools available whenever needed. Once understood we can look back for the story within the story of our lives, define what worked in our favor and expand on it.
Doubtless that many of us have had rough pasts, tough breaks, disappointment, divorce, death, poverty, abuse and countless burdens but within these difficulties new and wonderful aspects of ourselves have been produced. It is up to us to appreciate and embrace them and move forward. From our adverse environment we've become street smart, loyal, quick thinking, fast responding, resourceful, fearless, driven, motivated, creative and curious .... The gifts are limitless and only useful when we put them into practice.
Todays Empowering Tip: Begin with a spirit of appreciation and acceptance of what was and is. There is no way around it. If we make peace with what has been and with where we are, anything is possible. It starts with a decision and declaration to yourself or another... but once decided magic begins... Remember it is in the desire for change that power flows. We have to start somewhere, what better place than here and when better than now... The journey of 10,000 miles starts with 1 step.
Speak of your past with a positive spin, re-writing the past as if things happened as you chose them and notice how good it starts to sound. Speak of the powerful aspects of your character born of that story, your strength, perseverance and ability to commit or accomplish anything you put your mind to. Focus on something that makes you feel a sense of satisfaction, worthiness, well being and successful.
Re think the past as if life could've done you no wrong. Imagine there were no accidents, no mistakes, only perfect timing. Shift your perspective and the past shifts with it. Although we are told that it is impossible to change the past or rewrite history we can choose how we remember it. Let's allow the past to be more positive, fun, lighter and a source of greatness instead of an excuse to remain stuck where we are.
My Old Story...... (the short version)
My mom died when I was 13, she was 36. I was the oldest of 5. My dad needed help so I took care of all my siblings, cooked, cleaned, basically took on my moms role. I was lonely, scared, laden with responsibility and frustrated. I wanted to escape my life. I resented what happened to my family. My dad was unapproachable and difficult. I was in constant fear and felt abandoned. I hated mom for leaving me and hated dad for staying. I couldn't make any sense of my life.. Everyone else went on with life as they always had. This affected me most of all... why me? why me?
I lived this story for years... Until NOW....
My New Story...... ( the short version)
I was a happy child with wonderful parents who always did all they could to make life as nice as they could. My mom passed from a sudden heart attack at age 36 leaving myself (13 years old), and 4 younger siblings with my dad who did his very best to keep us together. I learned quickly how to manage a home, cook, do laundry etc. At times while things were different and difficult my siblings and I had so much fun exploring new freedoms. We stayed up late on weekends when my dad went out, had Pizza and movie night with interactive spontaneous singing and dancing. We bonded and are still as close as we were 45 years ago.. I am a self sufficient, organized, creative woman who knows that if I can manage a household and take care of 4 kids at 13 I can do anything.....
I love me !!!
Make Today Great...
How do we make peace with our uncomfortable memories?
Is it possible to find a new story in the midst of the one we have been telling our whole life?
I believe we can... I am sure we can.... I know we can because I am. I am telling my new story and creating for myself a place of power in the re-creation of it.
We can be Victims or Victors. The choice is ours. Always is !
Some parts of our past are heavy with regret, un-forgiveness, disappointment, guilt, unanswered questions and prayers. Maybe things didn't go as we'd have chosen or worked out the way we planned and we find ourselves frustrated with our Now... Know this... We possess the power to make the shift from pity to power and it can be done now by owning the way we think. Our power lies in our choices.
We can't be fully present if we are carrying the weight of our past. Know the past as a boundless resource of lessons and tools available whenever needed. Once understood we can look back for the story within the story of our lives, define what worked in our favor and expand on it.
Doubtless that many of us have had rough pasts, tough breaks, disappointment, divorce, death, poverty, abuse and countless burdens but within these difficulties new and wonderful aspects of ourselves have been produced. It is up to us to appreciate and embrace them and move forward. From our adverse environment we've become street smart, loyal, quick thinking, fast responding, resourceful, fearless, driven, motivated, creative and curious .... The gifts are limitless and only useful when we put them into practice.
Todays Empowering Tip: Begin with a spirit of appreciation and acceptance of what was and is. There is no way around it. If we make peace with what has been and with where we are, anything is possible. It starts with a decision and declaration to yourself or another... but once decided magic begins... Remember it is in the desire for change that power flows. We have to start somewhere, what better place than here and when better than now... The journey of 10,000 miles starts with 1 step.
Speak of your past with a positive spin, re-writing the past as if things happened as you chose them and notice how good it starts to sound. Speak of the powerful aspects of your character born of that story, your strength, perseverance and ability to commit or accomplish anything you put your mind to. Focus on something that makes you feel a sense of satisfaction, worthiness, well being and successful.
Re think the past as if life could've done you no wrong. Imagine there were no accidents, no mistakes, only perfect timing. Shift your perspective and the past shifts with it. Although we are told that it is impossible to change the past or rewrite history we can choose how we remember it. Let's allow the past to be more positive, fun, lighter and a source of greatness instead of an excuse to remain stuck where we are.
My Old Story...... (the short version)
My mom died when I was 13, she was 36. I was the oldest of 5. My dad needed help so I took care of all my siblings, cooked, cleaned, basically took on my moms role. I was lonely, scared, laden with responsibility and frustrated. I wanted to escape my life. I resented what happened to my family. My dad was unapproachable and difficult. I was in constant fear and felt abandoned. I hated mom for leaving me and hated dad for staying. I couldn't make any sense of my life.. Everyone else went on with life as they always had. This affected me most of all... why me? why me?
I lived this story for years... Until NOW....
My New Story...... ( the short version)
I was a happy child with wonderful parents who always did all they could to make life as nice as they could. My mom passed from a sudden heart attack at age 36 leaving myself (13 years old), and 4 younger siblings with my dad who did his very best to keep us together. I learned quickly how to manage a home, cook, do laundry etc. At times while things were different and difficult my siblings and I had so much fun exploring new freedoms. We stayed up late on weekends when my dad went out, had Pizza and movie night with interactive spontaneous singing and dancing. We bonded and are still as close as we were 45 years ago.. I am a self sufficient, organized, creative woman who knows that if I can manage a household and take care of 4 kids at 13 I can do anything.....
I love me !!!
Feel free to post your questions and comments. I look forward to hearing from you. Remember we are all on this journey growing and learning as we go, so your input will bring enlightenment to many.
In Power, Peace & Love,
Mary Ann
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