
Beliefs and feelings come from patterns of thought that are continuously and habitually pondered. They are reinforced by our words and  become our experience from cradle to grave. Constant thoughts become imprinted in our brain and are at our beck and call, much like information downloaded onto a  computer, able to be  accessed and  used  at will. More importantly thoughts can be shifted and edited as we journey through life.  Consistent thoughts  and feelings become a trajectory, a direction, a belief system,  for life's path. When we think and behave in a certain way we get a consistent steady result. Therefore, if thoughts become habits  and beliefs and feelings are their self created byproduct we must possess the personal power to alter them.  

Over time repetitive thoughts become a basis for our feelings, beliefs and philosophies. Feelings and beliefs derive from  thoughts we simply keep thinking which become powerful catalysts to our life experience. We feel, in varying degrees, something about every topic, i.e.; child rearing, marriage, human and animal rights, politics, religion, recreation,  social issues, foreign policies, business, health, physical fitness, medical practices and so forth. We prove our beliefs to be true by pointing to our lives which evidence  them, ironically, through a continuium of the cycle of thoughts + feelings = beliefs which manifest as our life experience. Around and around a cycle of habitual thought delivers, whether conscious or otherwise,  more and more of the same.  

So how do we break the cycle? Do we stay in fear of the unknown and settle for the safety of what we have or can we step outside our comfort zone and shift into a deeper more joyous life?   We can, my life path and the desire for more joy has taught me so. My life has been a cornucopia of beliefs, shifting and changing as I grow in wisdom and age. Provoked in thought by  sages past and present, to reevaluate life through the lens of my thoughts and feelings. I have struggled with the fear of letting go and trusting a Higher Intelligence within.  I have been a seeker of fairness and argued earnestly for the limitations of my mind and experience. I have walked a long path of anxiety with highs and lows that destroyed the joy that I now know. It was all in my head. It was every thought I became accustomed to thinking that shaped my experience. As it turns out my life was never something to fear as if it were being done to me, but something to appreciate and bless as I made my path, carved my way and found my power and voice.  

We hold the power to believe whatever makes us happy, and so the responsibility is ours. We can  choose to shift into a more powerful existence by changing thought and allowing a new way of life to emerge. A life  filled with well being, abundance,  and a happier healthier experience.  Naturally this will take time. Shifting our focus is a responsibility and commitment. It  broadens our life landscape so new experiences can show up.  We see small evidences of things becoming a bit easier in our day when we shake off the negative beliefs one by one and replace them with new BELIEVABLE thought. New thoughts are tender and vulnerable, they must be nurtured just as a small seed planted needs to be nourished with food and water so it can grow strong and mighty and produce abundant fruit.  Time and patience sprinkled with self appreciation and approval for our efforts is a non-negotiable factor.  Remember it took a good long time to arrive in our Now, so it will take some patience and perseverance to undo and remold that which has been long standing for us.  

All around us are people thinking different thoughts, choosing different beliefs and life  reflects back to them in perfect harmony with their beliefs. Whether we believe that life is easy or hard, fun or pain filled we will vibrate that energy to receive a perfect match to it and see it in our  eventual experience. 

We hold the key to our lives, it begins with our thoughts, feelings and beliefs. Are yours serving you well? 

The decision is ultimately yours to live in Pity or Power... what will it be? We can only be in one. 

Todays Empowering Tip:
Start small. Take one thought and shift it by rearranging the words.  Maybe you're a person who is self critical and suffers with frustration. Soothe those thoughts by saying to yourself 
" I am enough just as I am right now and things are getting better and better for me" .  When we start to change our language magic happens, we eventually start to believe our words and our experience shifts. We feel our power re-emerge and release the feelings of being stuck, victimized and powerless. 
Encourage yourself when you catch the old self sabotage showing up and restate your intention for change.  It is all about making the " I choose to change _______________  in my life" statement !!!!! 
Remember to resist complaining at all costs. It is a useless way to express yourself and only begets more of the same...

Life is a journey, not a destination. 

Feel free to post your questions and comments. I look forward to hearing from you. Remember we are all on this journey growing and learning as we go, so your input will bring enlightenment to many. 

In Power, Peace & Love, 
Mary Ann
Make Today Great..... 


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